Wednesday, December 15, 2010
you gotta be kidding me??
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
thank you,Allah!
Friday, November 26, 2010
funny la you...
and while typing this post,the hindustan song tukar jd lagu adam tauk2 jak,im writing about this whole "bollywood" thingy..
back to the story..i was planning to watch wild child,but then i ended up skyping with my buddy!hahahahaha..i am one of the people who has been contributing a huge amount of money to skype and making the founder of skype a multi-billionaire..well,i guess so. nway,i love skype.!im on touch with my cuzzies,buddies through skype..can even look at them feels like talking to them face to face. so,thank you skype!
p/s:it's been quite long since i posted somthing on my blog.not tht i was busy but im just lazing around during this holiday..
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
the "s" word
i am missing my shopping moment so badly.. i wanna go,shop,shop till drop. but money,money,money..where are you?? wht a wonderful life it will be if money falls from the sky.. cant wait for my holidays to come. then,im off doing my shopping stuff! GIRLS!!! this is the moment where i need my girls. we gotta works to do.. lots of it!haha.. =)
not going well~~~
first paper: hydarulics.
omg!it was freaking cold in tht exam hall.DK2. causing brain freeze.and because of tht,i cant think properly. alright people, im no good in thinking, plus this whole "ice-cold" situation,my brain,never gt any better. okay,tht is may be too much,im over-reacting. but but but, this is real.i swear. towards the end of test,last 30-45 minutes of the test, i gt my hands shiver. no no no,in fact i was shivering. WHOLE BODY. cant write properly...i was shivering and writing simultaneously. things gt worse when benda yg xda blaja masuk syllabus. cam ne ya?? so,magically i "puh-puh" the question. btw, "puh-puh" is the word i created which means entam jak jwb with hopeS(with the "s",to show lots n lots of hope) tht it will turn out to be right.
second paper: structural concrete design
i think im doing okay in this paper. coz i cant remember any of my hardship during this whole CD thing. tht's the nick-name. CD aka concrete design. it's either going well for me or my memory gt corrupted,so tht's the real reason i cant remember any.. i so hope it's the first one.
third paper: highway engineering
i hv 6 days gap before i sit for this paper. i always thought about it and says "hey,6 days are way too,there's not even an excuse tht ppl cant get an A for this one". but then it turns out to be me saying "aiieee??esok dh test?kejap juak...".thousands and thousands of theory questions. and again, i magically puh-puh the paper,hoping tht it to be right.
fourth paper: surveying
f***,f***,f***. damn it! did i just cursed?? hell yeah,i did!survey is nthing but a terrible disaster to me. i messed up the first question already.well,tht kinda give clues about the rest of the questions. how bad it was..not bad but terrible.worse than terrible act. the first question. it supposed to be a really easy one,but then because of how they write the question,i lost 10 marks. why is it so hard to write the word degree,minutes and seconds????or even easier just the symbols??? how am i supposed to knw tht crazy d m s??wht are u trying to do hah,question setter???knock us down...??? congrats then!coz for sure u've knocked me down. theory questions carry 45 marks..puh-puh to it! okay wait.. the funny part is tht the questions are so berbunga-bunga...
Friday, October 15, 2010
huh..after 3weeks straight tht i dont get to spend saturday at home,finally here i am.lazing around,on my bed,in front of my laptop..
im gonna hv fun this weekend before the war begins..
watch out!! those 5 are waiting..
Saturday, October 2, 2010
in my head
i cant even believe it myself. tht im taking all these commitment in??me? commitment??like so "tak match".but it happened.. and because of the commitment, my life is all about work,work,work now.. two weeks continuosly!not nice for sure.
and tomorrow,im gonna be a pengadil for a match or most probably matches. and never in my entire whole life,i am being a pengadil. here comes the clause tht says "there's always a first time for everything..". seems like tomorrow is my first time being a pengadil.. leave it to fate!
how i wish i can write more,but i need to sleep now..gotta be the pengadil tomorrow, remember??
Sunday, September 5, 2010
great great news!
i have been complaining about ppkp my whole life (i mean since i am in the uni), and now i dont have to even think of ppkp anymore because....(drum rolllllll) I AM DONE WITH MY PPKP. i myself cannot believe that i actually completed 5semesters of ppkp. i have nothing to say except for, NISA,YOU'RE NOTHING BUT GREAT!! yeaaaaahhh!! tht is such a success to me. omg!im just so proud of myself..yahhhhoooooooo!!!!!
i guess im being too im the only person on earth tht ever completed ppkp.but sorry people,i am just so excited. can u believe it?? ppkp is finally out of my life. and im doing it the right way.. again WOW!
miss so many people so badly.
things i cant wait for:
1)meeting my girls..crazy girls! watch out,kuching!! havocism is coming to attack you.
2)dearest brothers and sisters and aunties and uncles and grandmother!!! FAMILY!!! you guys are forever the best.
and somehow,when writing about my family and friends i suddenly get so excited and so happy tht i forget how long i've been spending my precious time in front of my laptop and i dont remember how much i miss those people coz i love them more. it's like I LOVE THEM MORE THAN I MISS THEM.. yeah! just cant wait to feel the love,happiness and joy!!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
leaving home..
im hoping this coming week will be a better week coz there's only a test and a quiz..
ppkp will be on saturday..argghhhh!! PPKP IS LIKE .... (better not to say a thing in here,coz im fasting now..dont wanna "menebik-kan my puasa just bcoz of ppkp). like it or not,still, i have to deal with tht ppkp. wht a nice and interesting life!
good thing: my mum cooks "ayam kari kering".for my sungkey..yahoooooo!!!!!cant wait,can wait..thnks,mum.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
whtever it should be..coz i cant think of any.
- survey during ramadan was such an was really hot tht day.we were fasting.the equipments were heavy.we conducted the whole thing from 2.00pm till,it was totally an experience.wht kind of experience? better not to be mentioned
- surveying + structural concrete design = total and absolute disaster.
- highway engineering + hydraulics = next week = hoping for more luck. (lucky,lucky,lucky,come to mama!)
- miracle came to me. guess wht people! i gt 50 out 50 for my first structural analysis test.if that is not a miracle than wht is tht thing? it is so a M.I.R.A.C.L.E.
- i always kenak "pak" lately.ceehhh.i am running out of words to explain to them and even if i do explain like,like like they wanna believe or even hear wht i wanna say.. okay,if any of you read this post, this one's for you. seriously,girls!!!i am single and ermmmm (thinking of words,thinking of words..) available. YEAH! SINGLE AND AVAILABLE!tht's me. *wink*wink*
- talking about last week,i had a resolution,nope,nope,two resolutions actually. first one was, i wanted to finish studying 'moment reinforcement thing' within one night. but guess wht,"genius" me,dont even study a thing tht night despite of having the test just around the corner,where i was at about 1 feet apart frm the corner..okay,wht's tht?cut the crap off. the point is tht,i dont feel like to study wlaupun my test esok or lusa like tht..this was obviously not a good thing,never a good sign. so,thinking of tht, the "dr jekyll" side of me said "nisa,esok bangun sahur then xboh tido coz u need to wake up and study, it or not.wake up and study!"and the good girl me went like this "okay,tomorrow,im gonna wake up and study!". and then came tomorrow morning.. and tht morning unfortunately for me my hyde came and kncked dr jekyll down.. now, "mr hyde" side of me told me "nisa,u're sleepy arent you?go sleep and enjoy your beautiful,sweet dreams,girl..". and the no-pendirian side of me went like this happily "ngantok eh!tdo jak..". then,i slept,woke up late,spend so much time in bathroom thus late to class.
conclusion: you cannot fight against nature.take me as an is my nature to be lazy.i am born to this world to be a lazy creature and tht is a fact. no matter how hard i try not to be lazy,still i behave lazy-ly. lazy is my nature. i am single,available and lazy. yeah,tht's me. alright!now,it's time for a correction. the crap i wrote up there will forever be a rubbish. NOT TRUE,NOT TRUE,NOT TRUE! dont be lazy!coz u knw why,after tht whole sleeping moment i had,i was extremely miserable with life.i have to pack every single thing in my disfunctional brain. and,my brain gt corrupted sometimes.. so,dont be lazy if you wanna live a good life. be lazy if you wanna live a miserable life.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
academic affairs
Saturday, July 31, 2010
when the world means nothing to us
after spending our whole day here,we went for a dinner tht night.when we were all sitting down,celebrating my cousin's birthday,there was a plane in the sky.and the sky tht night was just filled with,we started to make a wish.i remember some of the wishes made were:
1. i hope that i will be in this moment forever
2. i hope that this thing(the vacation) will never ends
3. i hope that all of us will stay forever as one like we always do
4. i hope that all my wishes come true
Friday, July 30, 2010
heart is stone
you'll feel sad,no regrets,no mercy.but also no happiness,no joy, no love.
there will never be the good guys and bad guys.
so, wht will hppn to the world if heart is made up off stone?answer is world will have no life.
i dont knw wht's the point im writing this down,seriously nisa..daaaa..Y?
Saturday, July 24, 2010
i am tired!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
daddy is back!rahmat is going to NS!wonder hw he'll be like???
Monday, June 28, 2010
random thoughts of mine
apart from wc, my holiday is also coming to an end! NOOOOO!!! 2months feel like 2weeks. and yeah,i think i better start arranging things up by nw.. i hv not even pack my last-sem stuff yet.i am a freaking lazy creature born on earth. hahaha (evil laugh). i cant believe tht it is act over now.. where hv i been spending all my time? tht's wht ppl always say "time flies fast,when we're having so much fun". i cant agree more with this. it is always,always like tht! when everytime we're having fun,dup-dap-dup-dap,byebye happiness,byebye life of fairytale, byebye fun reality and heLLo tough reality,heLLo commitment, heLLo tonnes of works and not to forget smtimes we even hv to welcome "painful truth" to our life despite of not wanting it.
1) im having so much fun,this holiday,and like i've said 2months feel like 2weeks. y? coz i enjoy having fun and for tht reason time flies super fast!
2) im dont really like studying where i study right nw. oopppsssiii!!! did i just write tht one?yeess!i did. I DONT LIKE STUDYING WHERE I AM STUDYING RIGHT NOW.and tht's a statement ppl.haha..the "depression side" of me. =P. i've been studying there for baru 2years. and guess wht??it feels like FOREVER!!!! duhal baruk 2thn,rasa dh kdk 20 thn dah.. i've been studying in green road secondary school for 5 yrs and it never felt so long. i had a blasting time in grss. i just love being there.i even came to school in the evening to just play around.also coming to school on weekends to hang out! if u're a greenian,school is such a nice place to hang out! trust me.. owh,God knws how much i miss grss! insanely~~~i miss grss and greenians!!!
3)painful truth: the truth is tht there are ppl out there tht keep on talking bad things about you WALAUPUN they barely knw you.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
world cup fever begins
the thing tht everyone has been waiting for is finally here. the fever is all over the world. i usually will get so excited when the kick-off starts but this time im not so in the football mood. my superstar,my sweetest addiction,my inspirational obsession will not be playing. INJURY! tomorrow morning,around 2.00am england will fight against USA.and it's england's first match.well,USA's too. well,it's kinda obvious i think that england will have more chances of winnng the game but anything can hppn. like france. i never ever ever and thousands of ever at all expect tht it's gonna be a draw. but it was a draw. so? conclude it yourself. hopefully not the same thing goes to england. let me say something about taking home the cup. u knw,about whose winning this 2010 fifa world cup.. my love and support will always be with england but honestly, i dont think they'll take back the cup. why? well,i dont have to say why,coz the answer to the question "WHY" is so obvious. as for the ppl around me, most of them are saying "SPAIN" is the team!the one tht will win this fifa. and our menteri sukan is also supporting spain. do i think spain will win? NO. sorry spain. okay!tht's just wht i thought of. after all my thoughts are not tht important. it's not tht, when im saying they're not gonna win,then they will FOR SURE not winning it.. right? to end this post, i wanna say GOOD LUCK ENGLAND!I KNOW THEY'LL WIN THIS FIRST MATCH.AND AS FOR THIS WHOLE WC,MAY THE BEST TEAM BRINGS BACK THE CUP HOME!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
this is wht happened
1)holiday is almost over. the results are out,but i dont check mine yet coz i kinda knw wht's going on. one word. -b.a.d.- im gonna crazily miss my simplest hols routine.doing nothing from the moment i wake up till i go back to bed.
2)nuraini assan is no longer my jiran.she's moving to KL,and not coming back for quite a long sure gonna miss her!-b.a.d.l.y.- plus after all we did.
3)antonia vera charles william is most probably leaving kuching too. this girl is spending her whole life in kuching, well at least when i started knwing her, and now,she's leaving. i can sense perbezaan already.mesti lain rasa mun ant xda kt kch klk. *sigh*. im gonna miss her "stress-for-no-reason" behaviour.especially when we're planning smthing.
4)nur liyana mohd and fazida sulaiman. they hv to go back when their hols are up. yana is going back on the 20th june. sucks! zieda pun knfem nak blt juak.
5)left just me and ownet in kuching. still,we're nt gonna be in the same room.adoohhh!!!
6)something really nice was happening to me like last few days for everyday and dush,now, no more.dammit!wonder if tht thing will ever come back?another *sigh*.
7)FIFA world cup. david beckham is not so not in the football mood now. football is no longer a football when my superstar is not in action. another *sigh**sigh* (making it double).
hypothesis: semakin my cuti wanna end,semakin my happiness kenak tarik.
next semester is gonna be a tough one for me..omg!the toughness tht im talking about doesnt include the hardness of things i gotta study.addoooyyaaiii...
okay,now the happy part..
while i was emosi, something tht i've never thought of cheer me up. n i terus lupa semua masalah.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
my morning with:
liyana, ownet, nuraini, antonia, zieda.. (names according to who i meet first)
like always,we sure will hv a loud start. poreting!! then, lunch. lunch is something different when it's with them. u start to not really care about food coz everything seems so nice and delicious! yummy! then, shopping! while waiting for antonia and zieda. 30 -40 minutes after tht, the 2 come. BOWLING!! the thing is tht, im just so sux in playing bowling but today, i beat them. hw's tht sounds like?..hahaha.. and yeah,i shud just type this down. okay, i dont have to mention about hw loud and havoc and chaotic and lunatic we are.. and for tht,we grab all the attention there. ppl in tht place gt hairan when looking at us coz we gt so extraordinary happy whenever the bola bowling masuk parit! "so-extraordinary-happy" means tht the feeling of happiness tht is so over the top. i mean it,ppl. WE SCREAM OUT LOUD, YUUUHHUUUUU!!!, PLUS DOING ALL THE GESTURES, PUTTING OUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR, LAUGH OUT LOUD.. while we're having so much fun,making noise,building our empire of idiocracy, i prasan gt few ppl are laughing together with us. despite of the ppl, having a look tht tells "why are they so excited when the bola masuk parit?",i knw they're having fun watching our behaviour tht obviously not a so-well-behaved. but we are the one tht create happiness and cerianess of the surrounding. hahaha.prasan me.. ownet is so excited and megah of having the best record with most numbers of bola masuk parit. she is now officially, the president of KELAB PARIT. when she says the word "parit,parit!!",which i refer as the kata2 semangat,the bola sure msuk parit one..
after bowling, we berbelah bhg weather to go karaoke,since we are all good singers, =P *wink**wink*, or playing snooker. karaoke is too rm20 for 3persons,extra ppl,pay rm5 per head. so not worth it! so, we decide to play snooker. we never even hold the kayu before,but there is always a first time for everything.. first match. zieda vs nisa and ownet! nisa and ownet sounds like a superb combination. right?? lol! but the girl zieda beats us gila,gila,gila. we are like not her lwn at all. she masukkan all the balls and me and ownet masukkan one ball. great!wht a match! so, after tht, we have a tutorial session with zieda on hw to hit the ball rightly. while we are having the match, yana is being the commentator. nini and antonia are poreting! story with no ending. yana kdg2 join tht them.
after snooker, next destination,my house. the thing i love about these girls is tht they are making my house like their home. they are so comfortable, they knw exactly how to serve themselves, without me having to threat them like a guest. we lepak at my house for 2 hours i think. but the two hours just feel like 2 minutes. frankly! x rasa langsung.
laugh-talk-makan-minum. laugh-talk-makan-minum.laugh-talk-makan-minum. then, they continue their programme which i sadly hv to take myself out frm it.
*i bet they are having fun, a real loud one!*
then, i go for a dinner with my family. kenny rogers roaster chicken is always the best! we have a wonderful time eating together.. i dont really knw wht to write coz we dont do much, but it is just so fun.wonderful!
thank you,everyone!today is such a wonderful day.. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
1. antonia
2. nuraini
3. aidil
4. paul
this is how the story goes.....
INTRODUCTION: planning stressed us up!
antonia is so stressed up about arranging her schedule since she had so much things to do. no,no,no. it's not about TOO MUCH,act it's about TOO MANY THINGS AT THE SAME TIME. and worse, i felt the stress too. i dont knw how,i dont knw why,but im just feeling it.. when the 'S' thing was coming to both of us,things started to fall apart.wait,wait,'s not really falling apart,but very cincai laa..then,we started to have a list of plans, from plan A all the way to plan Z. when there are too many PLANS,we both get confused! REALLY CONFUSED!!
changes from time to time.i just cant forget the most MEMORABLE chat and phone call tht we had.
ant: nisaaaa!!!
nisa: oi??
nisa: adoh,ne sbenarnya tok?mcm ne ya?adoh i confuse..
ant:nisa,u jgn tulis apa2.u tunggu i abis type lok then brk u type(dgn penuh emosi)..LOL
nisa: LOL.(ne x perey..)
nisa: hello,ant!
ant: nisa. (all of a sudden) OKAY!
and right after she said the word OKAY we both laughed.coz when she said OK,i kinda hear the stress-feeling in her voice. so,after she explained hw our final plan should be.i gt my adrenaline pumping in me,when one of our rancangan is to go SHOPPING!!!! love it.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
hurray,hurray,it's a holy-holiday!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
difficulties to sleep
Saturday, May 22, 2010
my heart gt issue
Thursday, May 20, 2010
i shouldnt promise you.
now, finger-cross!! hope tht he'll forgive me..
Thursday, May 13, 2010
chong wei vs lin dan. it's going to be a nerve-breaking match for sure!chong wei had been winning all the matches easily before this.and the real challenge for him is tomorrow,when he fights against lin dan. i hope tht all the luck will be on chong wei's side tomorrow. koo kien kiat and tan boon heong.they have been showing a great performance and i so hope tht it will continue tomorrow. wong choon han.yesterday's match,was so proud to see him played.he's like a different player from the day before.with higher determination and spirit. zakry, fairuz and the new guy(sorry,cant remember his name,but he did a SUPER FINE JOB YESTERDAY).best of luck!!!! hafiz,continue to be the penyelamat. i really really extra-ordinary hope tht malaysia will win tomorrow. so, all the best to all the players!!!!!
*im nervous!like im the one whose*
the presentation of dean's list award
the students tht make the list from my faculty
we were in the same table with these two,but cant remember their names.i guess knowing tht they are our juniors is just enough..=p
- where will it be held?
- how's the food?
- what time will it be?
- and whose coming with me?
answers to that are:
- It was held in Riverside always.the good thing is,it was in a hotel which is better rather than doing it inside the campus.coz obviously,we need to go out of the campus. the "not-so-nice" thing is tht we've been there for 3semesters straight. may be it will be better to organise it somewhere else. 4points,may be??
- we were served with chinese set,my fav,so, thanks for tht. the food was good, and i was starving tht time making the taste even better.
- we were asked to gather at carpark A as early as 7am.can u imagine,hw early i woke up tht morning??honestly,waking up was the most torturing part.gosh!i hate waking up early morning.but for MAKAN,i'll do whtever it takes!!! *wink* when this thing was organized in the morning till the afternoon, we gt to escape our classes. SUPER FINE to me. =). we were always so smart tht we took chances to even escape the 2.00pm class. despite of already being in the campus at 1.00pm. hehehe. we cant do things like tht if and only if we asked to attend a dinner for the presentation of this award.
night time= no class= nothing to escape
4. whose coming with me?Liani,Nana and Kash!!their names were in the list, so im good!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
badminton fever begins
Sunday, May 9, 2010
It's really late to write about our gala night now coz the gala night was on the 10th April. but only now tht i hv the time. so,here are some of the pictures taken on tht night. some and only some.
our things when we arrived hilton.not much,huh?coz tht doesnt include nuroul's stuff.. =p
Me showing my ngegehness with nono's belt
Now, let the party begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!