first paper: hydarulics.
omg!it was freaking cold in tht exam hall.DK2. causing brain freeze.and because of tht,i cant think properly. alright people, im no good in thinking, plus this whole "ice-cold" situation,my brain,never gt any better. okay,tht is may be too much,im over-reacting. but but but, this is real.i swear. towards the end of test,last 30-45 minutes of the test, i gt my hands shiver. no no no,in fact i was shivering. WHOLE BODY. cant write properly...i was shivering and writing simultaneously. things gt worse when benda yg xda blaja masuk syllabus. cam ne ya?? so,magically i "puh-puh" the question. btw, "puh-puh" is the word i created which means entam jak jwb with hopeS(with the "s",to show lots n lots of hope) tht it will turn out to be right.
second paper: structural concrete design
i think im doing okay in this paper. coz i cant remember any of my hardship during this whole CD thing. tht's the nick-name. CD aka concrete design. it's either going well for me or my memory gt corrupted,so tht's the real reason i cant remember any.. i so hope it's the first one.
third paper: highway engineering
i hv 6 days gap before i sit for this paper. i always thought about it and says "hey,6 days are way too,there's not even an excuse tht ppl cant get an A for this one". but then it turns out to be me saying "aiieee??esok dh test?kejap juak...".thousands and thousands of theory questions. and again, i magically puh-puh the paper,hoping tht it to be right.
fourth paper: surveying
f***,f***,f***. damn it! did i just cursed?? hell yeah,i did!survey is nthing but a terrible disaster to me. i messed up the first question already.well,tht kinda give clues about the rest of the questions. how bad it was..not bad but terrible.worse than terrible act. the first question. it supposed to be a really easy one,but then because of how they write the question,i lost 10 marks. why is it so hard to write the word degree,minutes and seconds????or even easier just the symbols??? how am i supposed to knw tht crazy d m s??wht are u trying to do hah,question setter???knock us down...??? congrats then!coz for sure u've knocked me down. theory questions carry 45 marks..puh-puh to it! okay wait.. the funny part is tht the questions are so berbunga-bunga...
question 5(a):
In world nowadays, nothing seems impossible. who would have thought back then,we can determine distance between 2 countries located in different continent almost instantaneously. That is the beauty of GPS.
See wht i mean?? hahahahhaahhaaaaaa...nice one.gonna put this one in my muet at least,thnks survey.
Fifth paper: English
This coming saturday.
Sixth paper: Structural Analysis
This coming sunday.
i so need all the luck on earth.and yeah,before i frgt..just wanna say thank you and biggest appreciation to all the lecturers tht have been working so hard in teaching us all these though subjects..u guys did great job. thank you!
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