Monday, May 24, 2010

difficulties to sleep

i never thought tht i'll ever hv anything like this.however, this thing happened to me last night.i was unable to sleep.damn.lying down on bed for hours,not sleepy at all.i was preparing to sleep at around 12 or may be 1.i've been wondering last night,"why cant i sleep?". it was already 4 in the morning,and i belum tido.pusing kanan pusing kiri pusing kanan and kiri again and again and again. Then,i heard my mum woke up.meaning tht,it's already 5 am.or may be nt sure..but it's around tht time.i belum jugak dpt tdo.wht the??then,not long after tht i felt asleep. baru sekejap ppl wanna sleep,my dad woke me up..all of a sudden he was talking,talking,talking and talking.telling me not even awake yet.i wonder hw did he expect me to understand the things his bublying about?i looked at him in the eyes and asking
"wht is actually happening right now?"
and he woke me up just to ask me if his badge is lurus ka x?kacau me sleeping..then,i tried to continue sleeping.thnk God,wasnt as hard as hw i tried to sleep on tht night.
i woke up not so early but considered as early to me especially since i dont sleep even for a second tht night.i woke up at 9am.BECAUSE,my mum called.she did tell me something.and she was asking me with a "joking-tone"
"dah ndak ka bgn nisa tok??"
and i innocently answered:
"baruk jak bgn..since u called and woke me up.thnks,mama!"
and bla,bla,bla..ordinary day.not having a real afternoon nap.feeling less sleepy.hopefully i'll hv no troubles to sleep tonight.

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