Saturday, May 22, 2010

my heart gt issue

i seriously do not knw wht's happening to having some sort of emotion disorder or better to say feeling disorder.i dont's just weird!! something is wrong with my heart. like i've mentioned in the title "my heart gt issue". i feel worried with no reason, feeling extra-ordinary sad for some ridiculous reasons and sometimes i dont even feel a thing like in a situation where you're not happy,you're not sad just feelingless. am i so stress out?no way!! im living a heavenly paradise-ly life right now. and and and i wanna share a fact with u guys.
"high blood pressure gt nothing to do with inheritance but it is so closely related to stress"
so,dont stress yourself.. i wonder why there are so many ppl tht kenak this disease especially as they gt older. makin tua makin banyak stress ka? i thought makin tua makin sikit stress coz it's like you're letting go of your commitment one by one,slowly..
young or adult ppl think of:
1. studies and career
2.boyfriend,girlfriend, husband and wife or may be kids
3.keeping the strong bond with parents and family,despite of the hectic schedule especially nowadays. (i think this one shud on the top list)
5. bla,bla,bla..
as they gt older:
1. no more career and studies to be worried of
2. you're probably married and you're kids have grown up and they hv their own life
3. ....
4. ....
as i write wht older ppl are suppose to think(in my point of view),i realised tht yeah!! older ppl hv more things,worrying things to be worried of. ow, getting it in my head now.about the high blood thingie..
i dont knw wht else to write.xda idea. so,tata.

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