apart from wc, my holiday is also coming to an end! NOOOOO!!! 2months feel like 2weeks. and yeah,i think i better start arranging things up by nw.. i hv not even pack my last-sem stuff yet.i am a freaking lazy creature born on earth. hahaha (evil laugh). i cant believe tht it is act over now.. where hv i been spending all my time? tht's wht ppl always say "time flies fast,when we're having so much fun". i cant agree more with this. it is always,always like tht! when everytime we're having fun,dup-dap-dup-dap,byebye happiness,byebye life of fairytale, byebye fun reality and heLLo tough reality,heLLo commitment, heLLo tonnes of works and not to forget smtimes we even hv to welcome "painful truth" to our life despite of not wanting it.
1) im having so much fun,this holiday,and like i've said 2months feel like 2weeks. y? coz i enjoy having fun and for tht reason time flies super fast!
2) im dont really like studying where i study right nw. oopppsssiii!!! did i just write tht one?yeess!i did. I DONT LIKE STUDYING WHERE I AM STUDYING RIGHT NOW.and tht's a statement ppl.haha..the "depression side" of me. =P. i've been studying there for baru 2years. and guess wht??it feels like FOREVER!!!! duhal baruk 2thn,rasa dh kdk 20 thn dah.. i've been studying in green road secondary school for 5 yrs and it never felt so long. i had a blasting time in grss. i just love being there.i even came to school in the evening to just play around.also coming to school on weekends to hang out! if u're a greenian,school is such a nice place to hang out! trust me.. owh,God knws how much i miss grss! insanely~~~i miss grss and greenians!!!
3)painful truth: the truth is tht there are ppl out there tht keep on talking bad things about you WALAUPUN they barely knw you.
"there's ppl talking
they talk about me
they knw my name
they think they knw everything
but they dont knw anything
about me..."
-hilary's song-
i wonder y?dont you ppl have life to live?? or tht's just how you live your life.. wht are you? the commentator of my life?who paid you to comment my life? how much do you earn commenting my life?thousands?millions?billions??? reality check~~~ L to the A to the M to the E. LAME! i never knw to whom im writing all these,coz i never knw whose the one starting this bad talking. but anyway, who ever you are,who ever you talk about,just cut this crap off,o'right? No point laa... pointless effort!
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