Thursday, June 3, 2010


i wanted to write about this right after it happens but tht time i was too emosi and i finally knw hw trauma feels like. this "peristiwa" i dont knw if it shud be called as manis or pahit coz it's not both. apart from me,there are 4 ppl involved.
1. antonia
2. nuraini
3. aidil
4. paul

this is how the story goes.....

INTRODUCTION: planning stressed us up!

antonia is so stressed up about arranging her schedule since she had so much things to do. no,no,no. it's not about TOO MUCH,act it's about TOO MANY THINGS AT THE SAME TIME. and worse, i felt the stress too. i dont knw how,i dont knw why,but im just feeling it.. when the 'S' thing was coming to both of us,things started to fall apart.wait,wait,'s not really falling apart,but very cincai laa..then,we started to have a list of plans, from plan A all the way to plan Z. when there are too many PLANS,we both get confused! REALLY CONFUSED!!

changes from time to time.i just cant forget the most MEMORABLE chat and phone call tht we had.


ant: nisaaaa!!!
nisa: oi??
nisa: adoh,ne sbenarnya tok?mcm ne ya?adoh i confuse..
ant:nisa,u jgn tulis apa2.u tunggu i abis type lok then brk u type(dgn penuh emosi)..LOL
nisa: LOL.(ne x perey..)

nisa: hello,ant!
ant: nisa. (all of a sudden) OKAY!

and right after she said the word OKAY we both laughed.coz when she said OK,i kinda hear the stress-feeling in her voice. so,after she explained hw our final plan should be.i gt my adrenaline pumping in me,when one of our rancangan is to go SHOPPING!!!! love it.

(the end of introduction)
antonia picked me up.she wanted to show me the way to nuraini's house.for some reasons,i have to knw where her house is is somewhere in a place called tabuan melayu. i am obviously so not familiar with tht area,so i thought a paper and a pen will for sure do me a preparing to draw the map.things went on normally felt such a relieved when finally things gt normal and most importantly,according to plan.
after nuraini's house,next destination=mjc.why mjc?
1. because nini (nuraini's nickname) supposed to meet paul.and paul lives somewhere near mjc.well,tht's wht antonia told me.
2. i supposed to meet aidil and aidil is currently studying there. and antonia wanted to buy something there.
we drove to mjc. i was starving so, we had our lunch at KFC. makan,makan,makan, talk, talk, talk,makan,makan,makan..then,nini was asking paul,where he is?thought of asking him to just meet us at KFC. paul replied saying tht he's been waiting for 15 or 20 minutes i cant remember! and we all were so shocked y he is so..,sorry but he's being stupid of not telling us tht he actually dh sampe!i rushly stuffed everything into my mouth and we walked fastly,almost running just to cari paul. it's mjc,there are lots of ppl there.and i dont even hv a clue on how the guy,paul looks like. i just "is tht paul","is tht paul","is tht paul"??? nini called paul,asking where he actually is.. paduhal nya dh pulang!!chicken!!!!!!!! then semua org emosi! nini was persuading paul to come back,not working! antonia did the same thing.again,not working! unexpectedly, when i talked to him,he wanted to meet us in mjc. problem 1=settle. tiba2,nini pulak yg dont wanna meet him.according to her,she dah feedup eh!nini said:tandah nya cya.boh jak la jmpa org kdk ya!sak nya! tht's problem no2 coz paul is already turning back to mjc. and wht's the point of turning back when nini did not wanna even see his face? belom settle problem no2,problem no3 muncul..adoh!!!kan we supposed to meet aidil?aidil xdpt ditemu. (ant: nisa,ambik u phone tok,call aidil!)and i took the phone and dial his number.and fyi,i never talked to him before.i never knw him,i have to called and talked to him.yeah,talking to a stranger for the second time after talking to paul.
the conversation:
aidil: cne tok?? (he thought i was antonia)
nisa:ermmm,aidil nisa tok..
aidil:ermm,ok.cne tak org?
nisa:kmk org tgh mencari ktk. (coz it's mjc,all buildings look alike,and i dont knw hw to tell our location specifically)
aidil:nya lah kat cne??
nisa:dekat,dekat,dekat..(i still dont knw wht to say..)
aidil:aie..kmk nmpak ktk org!!!ktk nmpak kmk x??
nisa:ne?ne?ne?? hah!!! kmk nmpak ktk!!!ant,ant,ant!!berenti!
ant:ne?ne? (the car lurched forward coz she suddenly stopped the car!)
ant:ow,ok..jap,pusing aidil gik,sa...pdh nya jgn gi cne2.kta pusing.
nisa:ok.(so,i called him again)
so, finally i gt the meet aidil. problem3 solved!

(the end of meeting aidil)
i frgt to mentioned tht nini was crying.she was so pissed off with paul.she 500% did not wanna meet him.despite of me persuading her.settle masalah aidil but problem no2 still ada, remember! unexpectedly,she suddenly,get herself out of antonia's car after saying I DONT WANNA MEET HIM! this thing is never in my not preparing for it.i got paniccckkked. people,knw wht i did? i just sit in the car,shouting, ah,ah,aaaa...!!!adoh!adoh!gne tok??and i keep on shouting plus i dont even move.except for doing a lil bit of hands gesture to show tht im freaking out! then antonia: tangkap!tangkap! i was still very blur:hah?hah? ant:tangkap!tangkap! nisa:hah?tangkap?cm ne? ant: lari kluar!tangkap nya!tangkap! the moment i faham antonia's instruction,i terus get myself out of the car,and chased after her.i was trying to tell her to go back to the car,pulling her,trying my very best to stop her,but i just cant. im not strong enough. but still im running with her.and at the same time talking to her.with a loud voice.tht time was a lunch,there were humans everywhere.and all eyes on us! wht we're doing is so eye-catching!like something big was happening!!! it was exactly like wht you've seen in tv.drama melayu. where there was kejar-mengejar thing going on.. EXACTLY! after a while,i was able to calm her down. well,i thought hakikat,tht time she was too tired to continue,tht's y she's sitting down. we both were exhausted coz we've been pulling+pushing+running smpe 3 blocks. after a while, she suddenly mengganas semula.(hehe,see the words i used?). and
nisa: aiee!!ktk nak gi cne gik ya?
nini: kmk x mok jmpa paul!!!!!
nisa: xda kta jmpa paul.kta tunggu ant!!nak balit eh nak balit!!
she ran up something and i quickly realised it's someone's office..and fyi,this conversation was really loud!
nisa:ktk nak lari pg cne??
nini:aiiee!!??!!lari la..
nisa:atas ya office boleh kta skati lari.mati kta klk!
and then,she sat somewhere at a quite hidden place along the stairs.and while i was talking to her,hearing tht she's complaining of not wanting to meet paul,and i gt so hairan.
nisa:ne paul?ne??kta jmpa antonia bkn paul!!!
while i was talking there's a guy coming up the,i was like
nisa:oww,so you're wonder la..ow,ok!tok la paul tek..
so i left the two of them..
( the end of this part)
like i've said, i left the two of them. i dont knw where antonia is.thought of calling her,but it seems like it was meant to be a disasterous day for me coz my phone xda credit. so,i keep on waiting. they really took time to talk. im waiting for antonia's call,waiting for her car to pass by and pick me up..but none!! none of the things i was hoping for terjadi. there's nothing i could do, except for keep on waiting. ALONE! when im alone,with tht unfamiliar environment plus ppl looking at me, thousands of things passing through my mind. wht if the weird guy kacau me?wht will i do?i say he's weird coz of his acts. he was singing loudly in front of a coffee shop,dancing using chairs, and he's just weird.and more things tht i dont wanna write here. finally,after the long wait,alone,they finished talking.nini was still so mad with paul but better. when i saw them,i asked nothing but "where is antonia?".so then,we walked together to ant's car.on our way to the car, people were all,i mean ALL, were staring and looking at us with a look.tht makes me realised hw we gt their attentions during the chasing scene. then only i realised,OMG!Did i just did tht? the looks tht were given to us some sort like telling me:"hey!u guys just gt a public humiliation!".and trust me,public humiliation is such a traumatic experience! when i gt to the car, i kinda tell myself not to care about those ppl and the looks coz they'll get over it. i felt so much better when i gt to see antonia and aidil faces..
when everyone was back in the car,things gt so much better.and funny stuff started to came out and we started to laughed.
1) paul was still working his butt off persuading nini. when,he was saying out his words, there was this very jiwang song played by aidil if it suites the situation.and antonia quickly: tukar,tukar lagu ya!!! and then,tukar lagu.then another jiwang song lagik.finally! we tutup the radio coz lagu yg kluar semua parah2. when nini and paul was having their full of emotions talk,the 3 of us,tahan still juak terkeluar tetak ya.
2) antonia menghalau asking him to go to his own car.his own car was just besides ant's car. it's really funny on hw antonia said it out..
antonia: paul!keluar gik kau cnun!pg keta ko dik pun..penuh dh keta aku tok. (when there is act nobody in the's just me and nini sitting on the back ne kah pnde full indah?dah! perey gik skali..LOL)
3) and there was one time when nini marah paul and ..
nini: nangga ko!! lalu kotor sluar aku oleh kau!!!ya kotor.tangga ko kotor ya!
paul:aok,kotor..klk kta anta gi laundry..
then,all the 4 of us really really laughed out loud!
memandangkan all of us was very emosi, we decided to cheer ourselves and go for a movie. we watched shrek.. we went shopping.buying a t-shirt at a very cheap price. RM13. surprised and shocked coz MNG was no longer there..i dont knw since when,coz it's been a long time tht i havent been there. we were trapped in a really bad traffic jam on our way sending nini back home. i gt to learn a cari-jodoh-song,which was so funny.we even played the "generasi hebat song" so tht we will becme more bersemangat after all those cabarab and dugaan.i dont see where's the rasional is but we just did tht. and antonia's car hit smthing on her way back sending me home coz the driver hilang focus as we talked about smthing! *wink**wink*
WOW! tht's a long post huh?well, kinda describe tht day we had,coz it was a long day.i swear. not every single detail is in coz there are too much things hppn on tht day.but this is hw basically or roughly hw our day went on... GIRLS ARE FULL OF DRAMA,HUH?

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