Wednesday, December 15, 2010

you gotta be kidding me??

im like super-duper excited when knowing that my cousin, HAIZUM ABDULLAH is coming to kuching!my gosh!! it's been so long.. i've so much plans in my head. remembering back,how we used to hang out. we lepak2 atas gate rmh.sitting on it. people passing by my house will sure give us a look. perhaps this is wht they say

"wht are these two girls doing??sitting on the house's gate?seriously?dont u girls have a chair to sit on??"
that was the time where we are in the "care-free" era!
both of us were on the phone just now.this was how our conversation went:
me: kol brapa flight ko esok?
her: 8.30 mlm
me: sampe kol brapa?
her:dlm kol 10 gya.
me:bila ko balit bintulu?
her:sabtu.hahaha..kejap jak ku kat kch.hahahha
me: aiiiieeee???phl kejap gilak.dtg ari jumaat mlm,pulang pagi sabtu.bgs bena ya tek??
me: tdo airport jak kau!boh jak dtg!!!!
her:aiee..smpe ati ko,sa...hahhahaha
ngegeh na eh..

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