Saturday, July 11, 2009

my student's life has just begin

i decided to type in red this time.

i successfully going through my 1st week class.
1)timetable; not nice
2)subjects are getting tougher.i know,this sounds cliche but it's really hapenning.
3)lecturers; all women and most of them are deadly cute.
4)assignments; have nt started yet but these things sound so creepy.
5)fyi,im a part3 student.another 3 sems more to go.
6)having hard time solving the kk problems
7)most probably didnt get the subsidi mkn,for nw im paying my own food. =(
8)i found my ppkp card.i've been thinking about it my whole hols and finally im done with tht issue.thinking of tht drives me insane.
9)on the 25th of july (if im nt mistaken),i'll have to attend ppkp (3rd module).i seriously got no idea on hw to deal with the boredom tht's gonna kill me.
10)roomates; still the same ppl.thnk god.
11)neighbours; it's a great thing tht nana and nono is our new neigbour.
12)the tree in front of my room has grew taller and caused a harder communication.(bcoz we shout from one room to another when communicating.*really weird*
13)i realised tht it's nt a gud idea to sell my books to the juniors coz obviously we're using it.
14)im eating a better taste of food.well,i deserve it!coz im paying for it.
15)i like the new board of ajk blok.they r nice and nt mean.

i think tht's,wish me luck,yea.................

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