Sunday, June 21, 2009

i surf the net.
i check my facebook and also friendster account.
i think that it's really boring and there's act nothing to check.i mean really's just comment,friend request and stuff like tht.i wonder y?now i figure out the reason.
before this,me and someone always had a long(10x) hot gossips which we send to each other whether(correct spelling,meh?) through friendster or,that's interesting.but then now,we have a new way of connecting each other..PHONE's really long,minimum 30 minutes.we cant do it often-ly(sorry,my language) coz MAHAL,seh..
and for tht reason,i seldom check my facebook or friendster or even on9.ok.that's it.
to all my friends tht really love those on9 stuff,sorry for nt on9-ing..

to tht person:
babe,i just cant wait for next year to's gonna be around april or may,right?
and by tht time we both have to really enjoy ourself,take great pic(most important) as we cant really do it last's like we tebus balik la...and im wishing u gud luck with things tht u do.

im really hungry right now.but i have to to my uitm stuff first.gotta go.

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