Friday, July 24, 2009

harry potter

i went to the cinema with liani,nana,nono,fira..
liani drive hilux gik ya!!!
the q was really long..okay,i'll skip the story coz tht moment things are so normal.
until we had done eating @ mcD which is around 2.35pm..(may be!!)
we bought the tickets b4 tht,the show started @ 2.45pm.but then we have to pick up fira.

unbelievable!!!after eating we RUN to crowne plaza car park,the one bwh tanah..liani starts the car and go pecut to fira's house.we manage to reach the cinema around 3 sumthing.dah lah mula2 kdk org bodo dpn x,gelap nampak!!!finally dpt carik sit.but then,we still havent settle down yet.gik tetak2,i wanna take this opportunity to say sorry to all the viewers of HARRY POTTER on tht day,coz we're being so noisy and i absolutely know tht it's annoying!let's just say tht u guys dont hv the gud luck.continue...then nana told me, "oi,tok wayang bkn bilit tok".then i think we keep quiet la..not quiet act,it's just some sort of lowering our voice.things went on as usual until the moment dumbledore and yani were focusing on the story.obviously,im sad coz he died..i dont knw hw liani felt tht time.
tp,fira menye"poil" kan keadaan..adakah nya tetak time ya??wht the??!!???
ngaco feel org jak..

albus wulfrick percival brian dumbledore (i think tht's his name).
the head of hogwarts.this guy gt style.i personally think tht he's the most stylish of all characters.everyone in hogwarts love him except for the org jahat.for eg malfoy!he's a great teacher.a dream teacher.i'll be missing him .

it reveals all the secrets,nope almost all the secrets of "you know who".he's last time the student of hogwarts but then he become org jahat.ron meets this one girl tht is so "eewwwww-sex maniac".seriously tht girl just wanna make up with him everytime.dont get me's just in tht movie.coz i dont knw wht happen in those ppl's real life.and hermione gt jealous.
as for harry potter,he starts his love story with ron's sister, ginny(hw to spell her name??).in this movie,ginny appears quite often compare to the previous movies.yeah,of course!!!last time she's just the watak sampingan but nw,she's harry's true love..what a lucky girl!!!
the half blood prince is severus snape.he's the one who killed dumbledore.i hate him when i saw tht movie.but then,my friend(tht read the last book) told me act he's not bad.he makes a deal with,we'll see what happen in the next looking forward to it!

*last movie of harry potter!i'll be missing harry and daniel*

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