Saturday, May 29, 2010

hurray,hurray,it's a holy-holiday!!!

me and my family are planning for a "2days and 1night trip". destination:beach! we tried calling damai puri but no more vacant room until 3rd of june. tried calling damai beach,buzy all the, we decided to just go there. worse! full until 6th of june. luckily santubong resort ada kosong..ya pun,very seems like everyone is enjoying their hols to the fullest. happy holiday,people!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

difficulties to sleep

i never thought tht i'll ever hv anything like this.however, this thing happened to me last night.i was unable to sleep.damn.lying down on bed for hours,not sleepy at all.i was preparing to sleep at around 12 or may be 1.i've been wondering last night,"why cant i sleep?". it was already 4 in the morning,and i belum tido.pusing kanan pusing kiri pusing kanan and kiri again and again and again. Then,i heard my mum woke up.meaning tht,it's already 5 am.or may be nt sure..but it's around tht time.i belum jugak dpt tdo.wht the??then,not long after tht i felt asleep. baru sekejap ppl wanna sleep,my dad woke me up..all of a sudden he was talking,talking,talking and talking.telling me not even awake yet.i wonder hw did he expect me to understand the things his bublying about?i looked at him in the eyes and asking
"wht is actually happening right now?"
and he woke me up just to ask me if his badge is lurus ka x?kacau me sleeping..then,i tried to continue sleeping.thnk God,wasnt as hard as hw i tried to sleep on tht night.
i woke up not so early but considered as early to me especially since i dont sleep even for a second tht night.i woke up at 9am.BECAUSE,my mum called.she did tell me something.and she was asking me with a "joking-tone"
"dah ndak ka bgn nisa tok??"
and i innocently answered:
"baruk jak bgn..since u called and woke me up.thnks,mama!"
and bla,bla,bla..ordinary day.not having a real afternoon nap.feeling less sleepy.hopefully i'll hv no troubles to sleep tonight.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

my heart gt issue

i seriously do not knw wht's happening to having some sort of emotion disorder or better to say feeling disorder.i dont's just weird!! something is wrong with my heart. like i've mentioned in the title "my heart gt issue". i feel worried with no reason, feeling extra-ordinary sad for some ridiculous reasons and sometimes i dont even feel a thing like in a situation where you're not happy,you're not sad just feelingless. am i so stress out?no way!! im living a heavenly paradise-ly life right now. and and and i wanna share a fact with u guys.
"high blood pressure gt nothing to do with inheritance but it is so closely related to stress"
so,dont stress yourself.. i wonder why there are so many ppl tht kenak this disease especially as they gt older. makin tua makin banyak stress ka? i thought makin tua makin sikit stress coz it's like you're letting go of your commitment one by one,slowly..
young or adult ppl think of:
1. studies and career
2.boyfriend,girlfriend, husband and wife or may be kids
3.keeping the strong bond with parents and family,despite of the hectic schedule especially nowadays. (i think this one shud on the top list)
5. bla,bla,bla..
as they gt older:
1. no more career and studies to be worried of
2. you're probably married and you're kids have grown up and they hv their own life
3. ....
4. ....
as i write wht older ppl are suppose to think(in my point of view),i realised tht yeah!! older ppl hv more things,worrying things to be worried of. ow, getting it in my head now.about the high blood thingie..
i dont knw wht else to write.xda idea. so,tata.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

i shouldnt promise you.

i promised someone to do something.and somehow last night,i was not able to keep my promise.unpurposely of course.and now im feeling really really bad for him.i did send messages to him through fb and ym.i wanted to just text him to his number but im running out of left in my phone= rm0.01. seriously,this is no joke. waiting for his reply will take some time, i guess.coz his not surfing the net,nya x on9..i am freaking scared tht he might be so mad at me.i hope tht he's not gonna be really mad coz this fellow is my childhood bestfriend.obviously, i still wanna be his ppl always say "friendship lasts forever". wait!!wht does this saying has to do with my problem?whtever.. and sometimes,small thing such as "the promise i made" can just ruin everything. noooo...okay, positive.never give out any negative vibes!! THINGS WILL BE ALRIGHT AND HE'LL FORGIVE ME FOR NOT KEEPING MY PROMISE WELL(sounds teribble,huh?terrible me!), AND HE'LL STILL WANNA BE MY FRIEND,COZ OUR FRIENDSHIP IS JUST MORE MEANINGFUL.and i shouldnt just promise someone else or things like this might hppn again.where i am overwhelm with the feelings of guilt! conclusion=everything is gonna be fine. besides,knowing him as a nice guy,he'll forgive me. *wink*.he's nice tht's y he's my friend and he's my friend tht's y he's works both way. actually it's like this: he is a nice friend of mine.okay,perfecto!

now, finger-cross!! hope tht he'll forgive me..

Thursday, May 13, 2010


tomorrow will be a big night. malaysia against china.who will move on to the final round?
chong wei vs lin dan. it's going to be a nerve-breaking match for sure!chong wei had been winning all the matches easily before this.and the real challenge for him is tomorrow,when he fights against lin dan. i hope tht all the luck will be on chong wei's side tomorrow. koo kien kiat and tan boon heong.they have been showing a great performance and i so hope tht it will continue tomorrow. wong choon han.yesterday's match,was so proud to see him played.he's like a different player from the day before.with higher determination and spirit. zakry, fairuz and the new guy(sorry,cant remember his name,but he did a SUPER FINE JOB YESTERDAY).best of luck!!!! hafiz,continue to be the penyelamat. i really really extra-ordinary hope tht malaysia will win tomorrow. so, all the best to all the players!!!!!

*im nervous!like im the one whose*

the presentation of dean's list award

here are some of the pictures taken on tht day.....

the students tht make the list from my faculty
me and liani gt bored and started doing our things while the vip was giving his

we were in the same table with these two,but cant remember their names.i guess knowing tht they are our juniors is just enough..=p
another shot with them

when it comes to the presentation of dean's list award, things that i look forward to are:

  • where will it be held?

  • how's the food?

  • what time will it be?

  • and whose coming with me?

answers to that are:

  1. It was held in Riverside always.the good thing is,it was in a hotel which is better rather than doing it inside the campus.coz obviously,we need to go out of the campus. the "not-so-nice" thing is tht we've been there for 3semesters straight. may be it will be better to organise it somewhere else. 4points,may be??

  2. we were served with chinese set,my fav,so, thanks for tht. the food was good, and i was starving tht time making the taste even better.

  3. we were asked to gather at carpark A as early as 7am.can u imagine,hw early i woke up tht morning??honestly,waking up was the most torturing part.gosh!i hate waking up early morning.but for MAKAN,i'll do whtever it takes!!! *wink* when this thing was organized in the morning till the afternoon, we gt to escape our classes. SUPER FINE to me. =). we were always so smart tht we took chances to even escape the 2.00pm class. despite of already being in the campus at 1.00pm. hehehe. we cant do things like tht if and only if we asked to attend a dinner for the presentation of this award.

night time= no class= nothing to escape

4. whose coming with me?Liani,Nana and Kash!!their names were in the list, so im good!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

badminton fever begins

thomas and uber cup 2010 is now on. it's in KL.yesterday,i watched chong wei's playing.his performance was really fast and fantastic..he did a super great job. to KKK and Tan Boon Heong, congrates for winning.keep on winning for the country. the rest of the players, may be luck will be with u guys next time. and hopefully malaysia will bring something back this time. GOOD LUCK!!! to all malaysians, show your supports to our players!!!!! malaysia boleh!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


It's really late to write about our gala night now coz the gala night was on the 10th April. but only now tht i hv the time. so,here are some of the pictures taken on tht night. some and only some.

our things when we arrived hilton.not much,huh?coz tht doesnt include nuroul's stuff.. =p

This picture is taken after the dinner.

Me showing my ngegehness with nono's belt

Now, let the party begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These balloons are one of the attractions of the night.guys showing their kehebatan to the girls,jumping to get the balloons.

and the all these balloons really gave some sort of a poshy looks to the hall. well,i think so.

my girls!!! xoxo

we are still us despite of whtever ppl saying. THE BEST!

big eyes..thnks equip!

my fellow like their class teacher or smthing.haha

The Exco's of Kejura's Gala Night 2010
and tht's a wrap!!!

the end.
it's was for 2 days and one night. everything was a total rush. especially the hair and make-up part.we really had to speed up from equip to hilton then to merdeka palace.but then, it was very satisfying tht the food was nice.the place was beautiful. n lots n lots of pictures were taken which was obviously my fav part. it was tiring.we slept really late tht night.having unhealthy but delicious mcD's in the middle of the night. in short,i had a great time. but our happiness and excitement dont last long, we had to go back to work right after this dinner. we had lots and lots of tests after tht.not to mention tht our final was just around the corner.