Saturday, March 13, 2010

can't wait to get it done

lately,im spending most of my time doing "studying things".i hardly have time to even enjoy myself, to the fullest i mean.i did have fun doing nothing but i suppose not to do it coz i have like tonnes and tonnes of some more important things to do. i miss to do nothing so badly. i miss to think about nothing especially not to think about my schedule that is freakingly hectic. and most importantly,i cant wait to get everything done.i have like another 1 month plus to finish the 4th sem of my study but it feels like eternity!!!!may be because im like counting days,waiting for it to be over. tht's why it feels soooooo lama. school,school, i miss school. GREEN ROAD SECONDARY SCHOOL, i miss you!!!!!!!!!! i was surrounded by best people on earth tht time.we had so much fun,no stress,gone crazy and wild,being stupid but still score good results.*wink*. the thing tht i miss the most is where people cares about nobody, except for themselves,not judging people without getting to know them first, and etc. mbak palak dirik pun bah.. now,it's a new environment (no tht new act!),i hardly suit myself even after 2 yrs. the "CULTURE" cant get to my head. i miss my green road,people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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