as life goes on, people are also moving on with their lifes.some may choose the right way,and some will choose the wrong path. perhaps, not knowing that they are actually in a wrong way. as i get older, i learn lots and lots of new be honest,cant really take everything.cause there are like so much of them.
number 1:the fact that people change
it is always good to change and be a better person.but what's up with the negative change?it hurts so much to see people that you know for quite a long time change into something that they are not.and we start to ask questions like "who are you?", "why are saying such stuff?", "who am i actually talking to?", "where's the person that i used to know?","why are you in all those things?" and millions and millions of other questions. unfortunately,sometimes we just cant find the answers. even worse, we dont even have the guts to ask the questions. i believe it's because we no longer know who are we talking to.and when this happens,it feels like everything is falling apart and sometimes you'll feel that you wanna pick up the pieces so badly.but you just cant.why?life says NO!God gives everyone a brain to think.when you're a grown up,you should be able to think yourself about anything.and if you cant figure out what to do,where to go,then ask.go to the right person.go to the wrong person,then you gotta wrong way to go.tht's what a brain should do.THINK! my friend told me that one of the reasons why people change is because they "baru keluar penjara @ sangkar".hopefully, u guys will understand what i mean.
number 2: more and more commitments day by day
last time, few years back,life is so much easier and of course happier. you would not feel much even if you're not doing your jobs or so called commitments. example,when a teacher gives you homework,then you dont do it,the teacher scolds you and that is how it ends.but now,things are seems like you have to arrange your life (especially time) so tht you could fit everything the extremely hectic schedule tht we have to follow,no choice!the sad part is that we dont even have time to pamper ourself.the weird thing is that to have weird feeling like missing to do nothing so badly.something that we never thought we would miss.
number 3: real problem arises
nowadays,problems are way serious than how it used to feels you with worries but there is nothing you can do about it, because:
no.1)you dont have the power
no.2)you're a nobody
no.3)you yourself dont even know wht's the real thing tht's happening?
despite of the no 1,2 and 3 it still makes you worry,but nothing you can do,but you're worry,but nothing you can will be in the same cycle,until??we never know.hope there's a happy ending for this.
number 4:things do not always according to the plan
me and my besty are planning lots and lots of things for this coming holiday.and tht includes travelling and touring. it's been a long time tht we do not spend time quality time together. so,obviously, we're both are extra-ordinary looking forward to this vacation. it's a girls' vacation. "single ladies are ready to mingle" thing.wht can be better?everything is planned,from top all the way to the bottom.but then "dushdushdush",something besty cant make it cause she has this disease that needed her to be at home, for 2 months i, plan cancelled. my number 1 concern is her health,for her to recover,RECOVER SOON,DARL!!!but we never give up.we're planning something ahead.september or october!! conclusion:sometimes things just dont go according to the plan,and it's ok.plan something else.plan,plan,plan.dont get bored of planning.especially for things like this.till you get what you want.
number 5: judmental people,bothering my things
i meet a new kind of people,quite a lot of them.the thing about them is that they love talking about other people,judging people,without getting to know them first.there are too much of back-stabbing happening and it's hard to know who are actually on your side cause it seems like they act really nice in front of you.lain cerita with people who desperately wants respect but not knowing how to get it. susah wanna,best thing,dont care.let them continue their miserable life bothering,kepo2 about people and as for me;polah keja dik pun.banyak da jak brg nak dipolah.
number 6:the fact that i miss my girlfriends damn much!!!
we're all studying in different places.we have different schedule of holiday, so, dont really have the chance to hang out.really hang zaman2 after spm.oh,God!!it was such a heaven.. i miss those gila,crazy,chaotic,havoc,maniac girls!!!!
number 7: thank you,family!!!
whatever it is,these people are my number 1.thank you for being in my life.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
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