Friday, July 24, 2009

what the???

campus is closed because of h1n1.or in other words,i'll be having my hols next week.
sounds great but act not nice at all.why???because later have to ganti all the classes.more tiring,what!!!my campus is nt affected but then the branches of my uni are,my campus is also being closed too.what's the rational???what ever it is.tht will be long story to i dont know much.

ppkp.thing tht can kill me coz of it's boredom,has been postponed.
unlucky for me,im nt in the same group with 5 of them.however,lucky for nana,nono,kash and nuroul,they are all in the same group.wonder wht else do they have for us to do??im pretty sure it will be something stupid.sorry,my bad!shouldnt say tht...

*sigh*dont like the hols and ppkp but just have to take it.and make the best out of it!like the saying

if life gives you lemon,makes lemonades....

to-do list:
1)slide for ctu presentation
2)speech for public speaking
3)math's homework..(bt the questions are not with me,hw?no excuses!!!)
4)do my best to understand solid mechanics.-wish mr robin is still teaching me-
5)buy whatever needed-shopping!tht's the best part of all-

-11.48pm.-sleepy oredi.byebye..gudnite!!!

harry potter

i went to the cinema with liani,nana,nono,fira..
liani drive hilux gik ya!!!
the q was really long..okay,i'll skip the story coz tht moment things are so normal.
until we had done eating @ mcD which is around 2.35pm..(may be!!)
we bought the tickets b4 tht,the show started @ 2.45pm.but then we have to pick up fira.

unbelievable!!!after eating we RUN to crowne plaza car park,the one bwh tanah..liani starts the car and go pecut to fira's house.we manage to reach the cinema around 3 sumthing.dah lah mula2 kdk org bodo dpn x,gelap nampak!!!finally dpt carik sit.but then,we still havent settle down yet.gik tetak2,i wanna take this opportunity to say sorry to all the viewers of HARRY POTTER on tht day,coz we're being so noisy and i absolutely know tht it's annoying!let's just say tht u guys dont hv the gud luck.continue...then nana told me, "oi,tok wayang bkn bilit tok".then i think we keep quiet la..not quiet act,it's just some sort of lowering our voice.things went on as usual until the moment dumbledore and yani were focusing on the story.obviously,im sad coz he died..i dont knw hw liani felt tht time.
tp,fira menye"poil" kan keadaan..adakah nya tetak time ya??wht the??!!???
ngaco feel org jak..

albus wulfrick percival brian dumbledore (i think tht's his name).
the head of hogwarts.this guy gt style.i personally think tht he's the most stylish of all characters.everyone in hogwarts love him except for the org jahat.for eg malfoy!he's a great teacher.a dream teacher.i'll be missing him .

it reveals all the secrets,nope almost all the secrets of "you know who".he's last time the student of hogwarts but then he become org jahat.ron meets this one girl tht is so "eewwwww-sex maniac".seriously tht girl just wanna make up with him everytime.dont get me's just in tht movie.coz i dont knw wht happen in those ppl's real life.and hermione gt jealous.
as for harry potter,he starts his love story with ron's sister, ginny(hw to spell her name??).in this movie,ginny appears quite often compare to the previous movies.yeah,of course!!!last time she's just the watak sampingan but nw,she's harry's true love..what a lucky girl!!!
the half blood prince is severus snape.he's the one who killed dumbledore.i hate him when i saw tht movie.but then,my friend(tht read the last book) told me act he's not bad.he makes a deal with,we'll see what happen in the next looking forward to it!

*last movie of harry potter!i'll be missing harry and daniel*

Friday, July 17, 2009

tough week finally ends

finally this week has just ended.i had a real tiring things going on.and unfortunately not all things went on smoothly.i know,not cool at all.

yesterday,we had this exhibition for all clubs and i am RESPONSIBLE to take care of my faculty's "cop" to, i dont knw hw many students..seriously, my hands feel like wanna putus not so happy with 3 things tht happened last night,obviously not a good things.

1) got this one girl (better nt to be mentioned the name).she suddenly came to our booth and was like manas2,which im nt so sure,no,no..i actually know why but then it's nt necessary to be mad.small thing nia ma!!!i personally think tht (a)she's being rude, (b)berik malu dik pun,ne sik suma org nangga, (c)ermmm and tht's nt a nice thing to do la..

2)im nt so satisfied with the "bosses"'s decision.sekejap say YES and sekejap say NO.make ppl tired and some sort of struggling and it was for nothing.kinda of selfish,u know.*dont wanna talk mush about tht*

3)ok,this is another story about my friend.she was walking and suddenly gt this one uncivilised guy (i shud say),tunjuk2 my friend saying tht my friend is sombong!it was in front of all ppl.and obviously menjatuhkn maruah lah!im so geram with this thing coz my friend is not sombong at all.i always call her YB coz she's like too friendly.ermmm,fyi,tht guy is my friend's senior.WHAT A SUCK SENIOR.

fact about tht guy:

(a) may be just may be, this is his last semester.he failed the same subject twice and this is the 3rd time his taking tht subject.if he fails again then he'll be kick out frm the university.that's the rule.
(b)despite of all that(which is so important),he still got time to kepo2 about other ppl.cant he realised tht he's in a very hazardous(worse than dangerous) condition.

REALITY CHECK: THINGS THAT YOU DO MAKE U LOOK REALLY LAME!stop kepo and judging others,just take good care of yourself 1ST.another REALITY CHECK:u dont seem to even take care of yourself.

THING THAT GUY SHUD DO: simple,go get a mirror.

done of it's about my computer science subject,or better known as CSC.*sigh*
this subject makes me really bingung.coz im nt so into computers and programming or anything related.i had a real tough time understanding simple things(well,considered simple to some or may be most)that are pseudo code and flow chart(thank God i remember the name).did i mentioned that i still havent really understand those things?my problem is i dont know what to understand.sounds kind of ridiculous but it's true.truth hurts,man!!
things get worst when my lecturer showed us(me and my classmates) the next thing tht we're gonna learn.and guess wht ismy feeling right at that moment?okay,im gonna use the best words to describe.I FEEL LIKE THAT COMPUTER THING IS ....(thinking of suitable words) NOT IN THE RANGE OF MY ABILITY AND CAPABILITY.this thing is so hard for me.

subject with the biggest credit hr.with final seniors doesnt have it b4.studying CSC with major credit hr is nt necessary for the engineering students.we're cool ppl and nt a computer gig.(i shudnt say tht bt im so stress out,sorry offense to anyone) ='(.not fair.why is this happen to me.i always feel like crying when i enter that class.


tomorrow: after this terrible week(not tht bad act),tomorrow im planning to go to the cinema for the HARRY POTTER MOVIE...yippie,yippie...daniel radcliffe,here i come!!!!!!
cant wait.i'll write more on harry potter later.k,guys,gotta go.........

Saturday, July 11, 2009

great thing just happened to me

i have a dream.i wanna learn more about this blog.honestly i dont know much about this blog, ermm i can say i know nothing accept for creating new post.i'll try so hard (i mean it) to just make my blog wayyyyy nicer in every!!!and the reason for all this is that i found

david beckham's blog (real one)....
and it gives me so much inspirations.who ever teach me....

okay,here's a new topic.act,i supposed to write this one on my previous post bt i forgt about it.

TOPIC: my biggest fear has just arrived. (btw,it's nt great at all)

this semester we,ECD3C1 (my class),have to have a subject called CSC_ _ _ (cant remember the code).it's a computer science subject so we have to study computer stuff.with 4 credit hours(ridiculous).engineering students study computer science's subject up to 4 credit hr.tht's nt cool.i am freak out coz im so bad in handling computer or even doing anything related to's gonna be a big problem for me.AND THT'S A 4 CREDIT HR SUBJECT!
for now,i dont know hw to overcome this fear of mine bt hope tht i'll figure it out later.
huh!3rd sem,seems like really tough.

my student's life has just begin

i decided to type in red this time.

i successfully going through my 1st week class.
1)timetable; not nice
2)subjects are getting tougher.i know,this sounds cliche but it's really hapenning.
3)lecturers; all women and most of them are deadly cute.
4)assignments; have nt started yet but these things sound so creepy.
5)fyi,im a part3 student.another 3 sems more to go.
6)having hard time solving the kk problems
7)most probably didnt get the subsidi mkn,for nw im paying my own food. =(
8)i found my ppkp card.i've been thinking about it my whole hols and finally im done with tht issue.thinking of tht drives me insane.
9)on the 25th of july (if im nt mistaken),i'll have to attend ppkp (3rd module).i seriously got no idea on hw to deal with the boredom tht's gonna kill me.
10)roomates; still the same ppl.thnk god.
11)neighbours; it's a great thing tht nana and nono is our new neigbour.
12)the tree in front of my room has grew taller and caused a harder communication.(bcoz we shout from one room to another when communicating.*really weird*
13)i realised tht it's nt a gud idea to sell my books to the juniors coz obviously we're using it.
14)im eating a better taste of food.well,i deserve it!coz im paying for it.
15)i like the new board of ajk blok.they r nice and nt mean.

i think tht's,wish me luck,yea.................