Wednesday, February 17, 2010


tick-tock-tick-tock..the clock is is going to have my math test on going to have my building services test on monday.oh,God!give me the power to at least open up my books.then,the strength for me to do revision and of course "RAHMAT and HIDAYAH ALLAH" for me to get those things in my head.

last night i had a dream. so called "SWEET DREAMS & BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE".here hw the dream goes....
sarawak was having water,all the sarawakians (including me) hv to be very frugal in using water.but, there was this one private university tht had no water problems,AT ALL.i dont knw hw they managed to get all the water supply,since it was only a university.well,dreams are sometimes ridiculous,right?nway,back to the story.. The only way out for the sarawakians had was tht a person(who ever it is) MUST buy the private university.then, only the sarawakians can get their water.the problem was tht, it was expensive.MONEY,MONEY, was the,we all bersusah payah lah,for a while. this part is so a nightmare!!! however it becomes so beautiful and all of a sudden the nightmare changes to a beautiful one and also changes to something called SWEET DREAM. my hero came and save all the sarawakians,including me.owh,no.i should say ESPECIALLY ME.he bought the private university and from tht day onwards,there's no water problem.Aw,such a happy ending! The best part of all is tht the hero guy is DAVID BECKHAM.the best footballer on earth?i bet everyone knws him.he helped me even it was just in my dream,but still THANK YOU SO MUCH, DAVID BECKHAM.

i went out with my girls just nw.i gt back home at 8.30 pm.out around 1.30pm.we had a different plan in minds and we did something else.because all the plans did not work out.
our real plan:
1)steamboat @ cocoa restaurant,riverside
2)movie- valentine's day. owh,taylor lautner.!!
3)back home

what we actually did:
1)went to riverside to have our lunch bt the tempat,we tak sempat go there.we went to a fish spa.and had our lunch first time going to a fish,mula2 sakai sikit la,takut2 wanna letak kaki inside the lamak2 ada lah brani sikit jak lah! i swear,so geli!!!then ada rasa like electric shock dekat your kaki.
2)went to giant to buy socks. RM 0.99 one pair.we bought 6 pairs for 6 of us.
3)play bowling.i am never good with,as expected,i kalah!always tersasar..i can say tersasar all the time during the first game. However,i improved on the second game.still tersasar but nt as bad as the first,im kinda feeling the pain.sakit tangan eh!
4)went to kash's house.we were asked to come in and MAKAN.i ate a very very nice keropok.imported from terengganu.nice!!!! then,kash's aunty invited us tomorrow,for a breakfast.makan sate she said. she wanna belanja us makan sate before she's leaving.she's going back to (i dont knw where) this march.
5)im home

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