Friday, November 13, 2009


i knw tht's not a good word to start writing. but trust me,tht's the best word to be used.
huhhuuu. it finally ends, but sadly nt in a good way.

today,obviously is nt a good day for me.*sigh*.i overslept this morning,i dont knw wht to study for my test,i had a terrible lunch(i mean the food is nt nice at all) and i totally screwed up my final paper.even worst,i might FAIL the test.and repeat the ****ing paper.(i seriously wanna type tht 'F' word,bt i dont think it's nice).haiyoooo!!! i am so GERAM!!!! moreover, if i am truly repeating this 'F' paper, i then have to take 10 subjects next yr instead of 9 subjects,which is obviously "menambah beban yg sedia ada" . My "what a bad day" routines have nt stop yet. after bath, i tried to check my facebook account,and i perfectly failed to do so. i seriously dont knw y,coz i think the line is good or may be ok. so,im like taking it as a some sort of thing to continue my "what a bad day" routines.

int char function void endl
FindLongest for while x++ return.....and so on. these are the symbols and word of the day.WhtEver!!!

i dont feel good nw.i dont feel right.i feel like i wanna scream as loud as the whole world can hear me,but it's impossible,so, NO! i feel like to cry but i dont like crying so it's a NO. i feel like i wanna be mad or shout at someone,which is a real big NO.NO.NO. all NO for me.

i am planning to continue watching gossip girl,but at the same time i really really really wanna sleep. I NEED A REST.and sleeping is the best rest.well,it is at least for me. but then,i dont think i can sleep by now. It's early. still 8.30pm.

things im going to do right after this:
1)switch bed. (doing something about moving bed here and there.)
2)watch gossip girl
3)sleep early
things im gonna do tomorrow morning:
1)wake up early (hope so!)
2)take bath
3)pack my things (yay!im ready for home; "home-coming,im coming!!!!)
4)get ready by 9.30 am coz my friend is going to pick me up
5)to the airport,sending someone back to home

#tht's my plan. see if it will work out!i really really really hope tht my "what a bad day" routine ends now.i cant take anymore of it! please,please,please,life!!! be nice on me.#

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