Tuesday, November 24, 2009

so called "LOVE"

When you're not here to share my days and nights
My life is so incomplete
For you are my heart, my soul
The 'oneness' i had known to seek
Without you i merely exist from day to day
With you i know that i will find
All that i've been searching for
My completeness, my eternal peace of mind
You are the keeper of my dreams
The people who hold my heart in his hands
The one that i want to spend my life with
The one with whom i will always stand
Stand beside through thick and thin
Through all that life will throw our way
Knowing that this special love we share
Will guide us, each and every day
This journey was started long ago
Before this time and place
The journey of completeness
As two hearts and souls embrace
Forever is what i want with you
For the search is at an end
Our hearts have found each other
As lovers, as soulmates, as friends
This is specially dedicated to my family members, friends and the people i love. I don't regret the things i have done and the things i did'nt do. For somewhere along the way , i must done something right because i ended up meeting people like you.Thank you so much for being in my life.

Monday, November 16, 2009

something so sudden

hey ppl!!!! this is what happened actually..i tjmpa these few pictures in my laptop. cant really remember when they were taken. but it's kinda like memories of me being in part3. walaupun muka nana jak lebih. by the way,meet my friend NANA.

i copied this as the preparation for test 2.huhu..now it's over.!

calculus is part of my life now.cant get away from it..

my laptop is running out of batery.gtg.

Friday, November 13, 2009


i knw tht's not a good word to start writing. but trust me,tht's the best word to be used.
huhhuuu. it finally ends, but sadly nt in a good way.

today,obviously is nt a good day for me.*sigh*.i overslept this morning,i dont knw wht to study for my test,i had a terrible lunch(i mean the food is nt nice at all) and i totally screwed up my final paper.even worst,i might FAIL the test.and repeat the ****ing paper.(i seriously wanna type tht 'F' word,bt i dont think it's nice).haiyoooo!!! i am so GERAM!!!! moreover, if i am truly repeating this 'F' paper, i then have to take 10 subjects next yr instead of 9 subjects,which is obviously "menambah beban yg sedia ada" . My "what a bad day" routines have nt stop yet. after bath, i tried to check my facebook account,and i perfectly failed to do so. i seriously dont knw y,coz i think the line is good or may be ok. so,im like taking it as a some sort of thing to continue my "what a bad day" routines.

int char function void endl
FindLongest for while x++ return.....and so on. these are the symbols and word of the day.WhtEver!!!

i dont feel good nw.i dont feel right.i feel like i wanna scream as loud as the whole world can hear me,but it's impossible,so, NO! i feel like to cry but i dont like crying so it's a NO. i feel like i wanna be mad or shout at someone,which is BAD.so a real big NO.NO.NO. all NO for me.

i am planning to continue watching gossip girl,but at the same time i really really really wanna sleep. I NEED A REST.and sleeping is the best rest.well,it is at least for me. but then,i dont think i can sleep by now. It's early. still 8.30pm.

things im going to do right after this:
1)switch bed. (doing something about moving bed here and there.)
2)watch gossip girl
3)sleep early
things im gonna do tomorrow morning:
1)wake up early (hope so!)
2)take bath
3)pack my things (yay!im ready for home; "home-coming,im coming!!!!)
4)get ready by 9.30 am coz my friend is going to pick me up
5)to the airport,sending someone back to home

#tht's my plan. see if it will work out!i really really really hope tht my "what a bad day" routine ends now.i cant take anymore of it! please,please,please,life!!! be nice on me.#

Sunday, November 8, 2009

i am missing the outside world.

cant wait to get myself out of here. staying in here for like for almost 3 weeks.HUH!no word to describe.one more paper to go,then im free.cant wait for friday to come. bt i'll never deny hw i hate tht computer subject.torturing coz of it's boredom.killing me!!! wonder y cant i be a lil positive about it??? so far....

good things:
1)i've been spending my time watching gossip girl and tht kinda like cheering me up coz Dan is just so sweet.
2)im independent!!!yay! not coming home for almost 3 weeks.tht's almost a month!congrats me.
3)i almost finish my 3rd semester and gotta 3 more semesters to go before i hold a diploma.
4)one more paper left.
5)the quality of food here makin bgs la..not as bad as last time.plus,more choices.
6)knowing tht my cousins are coming to kch.i cant wait for them to come.alhamdulillah mummy com and uncle amran are going to do their HAJI.wishing them the best.

bad things:
1)my screwed up in all tests!including english and also the easiest subject on earth(i can say),ctu!it's better known as Pendidikan Islam.just imagine hw bad i felt.
2)unexpected questions for solid mechanics.(i mean the level of hardness or toughness)crazy!question so hard,man!!!
3)i'm missing the outside world so badly.
4)yeah,i mentioned earlier,i gt one more paper to go.bt it's CSC125.FUNDAMENTAL OF COMPUTER PROBLEM SOLVING..no nice!
5)MU kalah lagik.

when im out:
1) i wanna go buy MU jersey.dreaming of it last few days.the best part is i bought it for only RM40++.(in tht dream)Hope tht it will happen in real life.
2)i wanna go eat sardin dlm tin.ya pun susah juak nak carik ctok.
3)i wanna go for a facial appointment.pampering myself after a long torture.
4)i wanna sleep on my own bed.Awww.hw i miss my bed.*sigh*
5)i wanna spend my time with my sweetest addiction, TEE-VEE and food too.

but whatever it is,it is my DECISION to stay here for this long.shud nt regret it so much right?wish the best for me. xoxo