Sunday, October 11, 2009

a day out with liyana and antonia

last 2 weeks, i went out with yana and ant to shop.the actual plan was like this. i am going out with nono,nana and yana.but things turn out differently.yana pick me up @ my house with nobody in the car.and she told me tht cdak lain x jd pegi. one good,yana is able to drive to my house without anyone showing her the way.YAHOO!congrats,girl! so,we terus call antonia.this is hw it goes.

me: hi, ant!pa polah?
ant: tgh masak.phl?
me: xda,mek org nk mbak u kluar.
ant: bila?
me: nek tok.hah?
ant: nek tok?ai!i gik masak.
me: xpa,masak jak.klk mek org drive slow2.
ant: okay.

so,then we're off to her house then to the spring.first thing first.carik god!it's really nt our luck tht day.we really spend so much time just to carik parking. however,we're lucky enough after tht.masuk the spring,nang cuci mata abis.why?...figure it out!

so then,after mkn we went shopping!!!adalah juak beli ckit2.but before tht,on the same day,there is also elle's fashion show.the runway!absolutely makes me and ant go a lil bit crazy and had our day dream for a while.prasan kedirik kejap bh. we were there early,too early.tht time nobody's on the runway and nobody's even bother of watching the show.coz tht time no show. so we left.not leaving the spring bt just leaving the place where we stand. continue shopping.!

we did take pictures.

dont ask me why ant is making such face.coz i dont have the answer.she's tired walking this time,if im nt mistaken.pic by for me, y am i standing in tht very awkward position? *no idea*.can u see tht lil pink stuff at the very corner there?tht's my shirt.i've shud put it away,right?

yana ant me

the funny things are:

1)baju ant blakang ya still bergantung.

2)even worse,the price tag is still on my shirt.

should be more careful next time!be more alert!remember, girls!

all in all,i had a great weekend with my girlfriends!-xoxo-

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